About this

Hello Internet!!
Welcome to my blog xD
Today I will explain what I am going to do in this blog; I will leave a bunch of scheduled posts, and I want to be always, at least one week ahead, because it is easier for me to leave it always updated, because studying medicine appears to be a time consumer activity.

I am a student. I shouldn't spend my time bloging but I do.
These are pieces of me. things that amuse me, things that confuse me, things that worry me, altogether make me. made of a million pieces, and here I gather them.
I also write in portuguese. essentially the same

So each day will have a theme, and it starts on Sunday and it ends on Friday ;)

Beauty Sunday
This space will be dedicated to beauty/fashion/hair/skin/personality; it will be about inner and outer beauty, about what really makes us beautiful! :D
It is about dos and don’ts. About covers and pages. I know it is important to take care of my body for health, but what about for looks, what is the point?
And what about the clothes we wear, are they pleasing us or someone else, are they work requirements or just because we want people to think of us in a certain way? How to make a French braid? Going to talk about that and much much more.

Music Monday
I believe you know what this is about, right? Well one different song each Monday, in which besides expressing my deepest hate for this day of the week I surely will, express feelings, thoughts and my crazy theories with you ;D

Healthy Tuesday
Here I will probably talk about what health is about, and being about what I put my body into, this will be a bunch of advises and really awesome strategies to avoid pills, hospitals and doctors, I know, you must be asking if she is studying medicine she wants me to avoid doctors? Yap, it is true, I hate them, and I am capable of anything not to go to the doctor, and we should all!
Anyway, small differences on the lifestyle are essential for a good health, and in order to live not only longer, but also with an awesome life quality, I mean, what is the purpose of living 100 years, and you only actually lived twenty or thirty?

Green Wednesday
Yeah I know you know we need to recycle, and not to throw trash on the ground and preserve nature… But have we been doing it? How can we really apply the 3R politics in our daily life, the environment needs us now more then ever, we all want our planet to last and for it to live healthy don’t we? So, in here I expect to receive a bunch of ideas, and things that we do using one of the three R’s …
Participation here is crucial!

Nerdy Thursday
This is the day I’ll dedicate to talk about a book, a movie, an artist, a piece of art, or maybe about some really nerdy thing such as games, anime, comics or anything that I feel like. And is nerdy.

Random Friday
I hope to take you inside my mind, on Fridays, hope to take you to a place where imagination is everything that there is, and nothing else disturbs, it might be one entry form my journal or some thought that I really wanted to share. Anyway, I plan make it as random as possible.

I will talk about these themes but as you can see I won't do it daily or  in this specific order, life is a time consuming activity. 

I really want to see your participation on this!
Contact box above
