Sunday, July 22, 2012

In my face!!!

Today is skin.

It is going to be acne, well because I am twenty now and  I started to get zits and blackspot and I do not want this to get worst, so I am researching and sharing.

A little background…

I am that character that goes through adolescence without one zit, I am that girl that all the other girls envy on high school, yap that is me, and I never thought I would ever  get it, I consider my skin quite clear, even though sometimes it can be extremely dry, but well,  came to my twentieth birthday and it started, this bastards started to appear, at firs it was news, “look I have a zit! What would happen if I pop it? Oh damn now I have a mark, not gonna pop a zit ever again!” well and it started to get worst, and now my forehead, temples and eyebrows are becoming mines. The thing is that I really am not a facial volcano, but I don’t like the path that this is taking, so the solution is to do some research of how to get rid of this thing!

Why me??

What I understood from the places I have been looking is that acne can appear as a combination of one or more of those three factors:
·      Increasing of skin oils internally by super production of sebum on sebaceous glands, or externally, by make up or some sort of cosmetic.
·      Keratosis retention When the cells are not eliminated connect sebaceous conducts
·      Trapped bacteria under the skin surface that when above the skin are harmless.
Some places declare that it does not matter, if one of your parents had acne at some point of their life you are going to have too, while others say that genetics are like a charged gun, but he factors I mentioned above, are the ones that pull the trigger.
Well in my case, I have no idea what is provoking it, but lately I have been feeling my skin much more oily then before, and because I never was the person the always buy the right moisturizer or face soap, I never really thought a lot about my face skin.

What is acne?
One thing that everyone agree is that acne is a disease, or skin disorder. That appears, in some, during puberty, due to a considerable amount of changes on the system, in others around their twenties or thirties or even forties… You can never predict when it will come or if it will come, or when it goes away. Does not have a cure but you can treat it, in some is more intense then in others, and is really rare someone that never had it, have or will have it. It usualy appears during puberty because of the production of male hormones (in both sexes)
How does it happen?

Everything starts with a follicle and a sebaceous gland, that usualy produces an oil called sebum, that is secreted without any problem, until, for no special reason, occurs a super production of cells in that follicle and the pore is blocked and the sebum is now unable to get out, and now the conditions arecreated to the growing and production of bacteria, and it forms a micromedone, this is the initial phase, now one of two things can happen, it can inflame or not.
So there are two types of acne, inflammatory and non-inflammatory.

Non-Inflammatory Acne
There are two forms of non-inflammatory acne.
  • The whitehead, that happens when the sebum and the bacteria are trapped under the skin, and form a small white head really small, most of the times invisible to the naked eye.

  • The blackhead, that appears when the pore opens and the sebum, that contains melanin, oxidizes and becomes dark, the colour we see. They can last for a while because the content is poured to the outside very slowly.

A blackhead or a whitehead can free their content to the surface and heal by itself, or the follicle wall can brake and, follows an episode of inflammatory acne. The rupture can be provoked by any random thing or by picking and/or constantly touching the skin, that is why the less you touch the better it is.

NOTE: Many times sebaceous glands are mistaken with blackheads. They have kind of the same size and might be side by side ad you are not able to tell them apart, I know I’m not… One only knows the difference after picking, the sebaceous gland gives you a white oil, and the blackhead a greyish secretion.

Inflammatory acne

  • Papule it happens when the follicle wall breaks and white blood cells go there to avoid the sebum from spreading, so now the pore is inflamed and it forms a
  • Pustule, a few days later when the white blood cells achieve de surface, now you have a zit that hurts and you just want to pop it.

To be continued....


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